Auto Injury/Medical Massage
If you have recently been injured from an auto injury relating to a car/bike accident, you may be eligible to receive massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic care for up to one year from the date of your injury and at no out of pocket cost to you.
Massage is covered in all Personal Injury Policies (PIP) for all automotive injury claims in the State of Oregon up to $15,000. This coverage allows you to be treated for your auto accident related injuries with a simple referral from your chiropractor or medical doctor. An initial exam from a doctor or chiropractor is required to receive coverage for massage services. This includes a prescription for treatment, claim number, date of injury and insurance company contact information.
Elk Rock Wellness is accepting new patients!
We have hundreds of hours of experience providing medical massage therapy for those suffering from an injury related to a car accident. Auto Injury massage can benefit in recovery for many injuries brought on by an auto accident; including whiplash, neck and back injuries, tendon damage, muscle spasms, myofascial pain, migraines, and insomnia (pain can interrupt sleep).
We make it easy for you – just follow these simple steps:
Contact your primary care physician or Chiropractor. (Chiropractic treatment is also covered under your auto insurance.) Your physician or chiropractor will write you a prescription for massage. The synergistic effects of chiropractic, massage, and acupuncture treatments together will aid in your rehabilitation and reduce discomfort.
Fill out the auto injury insurance form below or call us with your insurance information at the time of scheduling. We will verify your claim is active and personal injury protection (PIP) is available.
Schedule an appointment with one of our Licensed Massage Therapists. Simply bring your massage prescription, claim number, date of injury and insurance company contact information.